Companies collect, store, and use our data and personal information for their own benefit. When companies misuse or fail to protect our data and information, it threatens our privacy and financial wellbeing.
In the modern digital world companies routinely store and exploit our personal information and data, often for their own benefit, not ours. Unfortunately, companies often exploit the information in a way which violates our privacy or fail to adequately safeguard our sensitive information.
Fortunately, federal and state laws are increasingly recognizing that individuals’ personal identifying information (i.e., social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, names, address, and emails) and other data (i.e., bank account numbers, credit card numbers, digital wallet addresses, medical information, browsing data, device identifiers, etc.) are valuable assets which need protection.
SGT represents individuals whose sensitive personal information and data have been illegally collected, stored, misused, or stolen. We have been able to achieve precedent-setting results for our clients in important cases across the country.