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December 11, 2020
CTLA Lawyers vs. Hunger
We are very proud to make a donation to the Women’s Caucus of the Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association's Lawyers vs. Hunger campaign.
We hope that you will join us in supporting this very worthy cause fighting against hunger; it will make a big difference in the lives of some of Connecticut most vulnerable citizens.
Fully 100% of the tax-deductible contributions to the Lawyers vs. Hunger campaign will go directly to the Connecticut Food Bank and Foodshare for buying and delivering food to the hungry during this holiday season.
Food insecurity in Connecticut continues to be a concern. According to NBC Connecticut, the Connecticut Food Bank and Foodshare are still seeing thousands more people than they were pre-pandemic. Anyone seeking help with food can dial 2-1-1 for a confidential referral to the nearest food bank.
The Connecticut Food Bank and Foodshare are discussing a merger, which would result in one statewide organization to address food insecurity. Officials from the state's two largest food banks said merging into one statewide organization would "more effectively serve the people in Connecticut who struggle with food insecurity."
Randy Savicky
Silver Golub & Teitell LLP
203-325-4491 ext. 174